Different Methods And Technologies For Implementing Self-Deleting Text

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Self-Deleting Text refers to text that is automatically removed from a document after a period of time. It is typically used when storing data with an expiry date or for security reasons, such as deleting the content of a document after viewing it once or before it can be seen by unauthorized persons. Here are different methods and technologies for implementing self deleting text:

Self-Destructing file system

The use of self-destructing file system is a way to store files that are not meant to be viewed by an unauthorized user. Typical uses of this kind of technology include storing sensitive data on a network, such as when a company wishes to remove the files from the server after a certain timeframe has passed. The data is not permanently deleted but only marked as “unavailable”. It will only be available again after the expiry date of the data. This can be achieved by appending the string “Unavailable: after” to the filename, for example filename.docx. Unauthorized access to the contents can be prevented by adding strong passwords.

Self-Destructing text files

Another way of implementing self-deleting text is using self-destructing text files, which allows users to have access to the content only for a specific time period, before it is automatically removed from a document. This is achieved by adding a date at the end of the filename or storing it in a hidden field. Once this time period has passed, users will not be able to gain access to the content and will have to download it again. The use of encryption is another way of restricting unauthorized access, by creating passwords for recipients.

Self-Destructing e-mails

Another way to restrict access to the content is by making it automatically disappear after a certain period of time. This can be implemented by putting the date of expiry in the subject line or by storing it in a hidden field. It is possible to implement this function without relying on a system that will automatically delete the e-mail after a certain time frame, as some modern Mail clients now have built-in support for this feature.

Self-Destructing files on a network

Passwords can be used to store information on a network, such as helping users to restrict access to the content. The user will only be able to access the information if the password is correct, unless the user is allowed to print the document or if it has been shared with limited users.